Make a Report
If you feel this is an emergency, dial 9-1-1 or contact your local law enforcement agency immediately.
In the War on Terror there are certain activities (signs) that may indicate potential terrorist activities, especially in the planning phases. These suspicious activities should be reported to law enforcement as soon as possible.
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Please submit your information as accurately and completely as possible. You must submit your name and contact information to submit this form. Your name and contact information will remain confidential.
Notice: This website is for the submission of suspicious activity tips to area law enforcement regarding possible terrorist activities or other major threats to the region. Knowingly submitting false information may be punishable under Texas Penal Code 73.08.
Terrorism Prevention Incident Information
Make the Call
Report suspicious activity. Click here for the online form or please call 1-855-iWatch4 (1-855-492-8244).